I strained something in my left knee while running on the treadmill of torture Thursday, and while it was sore, but not incapacitating by any means, Saturday’s 7 mile run pushed the injury over the edge. Since just walking without pain has been impossible since post-run Saturday, I’ve been forced to slow down the last two days and try to let the messed up knee heal a bit.
The good news is that while the knee still isn’t good, it’s definitely better. I’m feeling cautiously optimistic that I’ll be able to get tonight’s scheduled mileage, or at least most of it, made up tomorrow night after a little more ice and rest (and maybe a little ice cream. I mean, ice cream has healing properties, right? Especially the chocolate peanut butter kind!).
I haven’t missed a single training day since I started this thing, so I’m really not a happy camper missing the last two days! If you’re reading now, you’ve probably been following my journey and might feel a bit of the concern I’m feeling over my loss of training days. I mean, let’s be honest here – I’m really no good at this running thing yet! I certainly don’t have training time to lose. I need every single training mile I can get! I have no time to miss mileage. I barely survive the long runs when I’m training exactly as I’m supposed to be – missing days and miles just can’t bode well for my upcoming Saturday run!
Oh well, better to heal now than lose more critical days later, right? Well, that’s what I’m trying to convince myself of at least. Maybe if I repeat it to myself a few more times…
Anyway, it looks like my ice pack and I will have a little more bonding time together tonight, but hopefully tomorrow night I’ll have some solid (or quite possible some gimpy) miles to update about.
If you happen to have any magical ways of sending some healing vibes my way via cyberspace, would you do that for me, please? No need to send ice cream – I have that all taken care of already!
Keep on running,
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